Little Pears (2 – 3 years)

Through a variety of playful and age appropriate learning experiences, your child is supported to develop their social and emotional skills; sharing, taking turns and helping them to become aware of others around them.
At this young age, children have sheer determination and often insist on doing things for themselves. “Me do it!” is a familiar phrase that many of us may hear and is a sign that your child is developing independence. With the help of their key person, your child will be encouraged to make simple choices for themselves during their day at nursery.
As a toddler’s vocabulary dramatically widens, they soon discover the art of questioning and …..ask them to satisfy their growing curiosities. Active listening, responding and modelling language are key elements our teams will use to support your child’s language development.
At this stage in your child’s development, we recommend that potty training is introduced. We consider all children to be individuals and understand that your child may be ready earlier or later than others. Our practitioners will work closely with you to ensure that the toileting routines introduced are consistent to both the home and the nursery environment. Our top tip is to ensure that your child has plenty of spare clothes in nursery!